King Replacement Parts 336-701-0555
Wood Stove Parts Available for King
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Silver Valley Wood Stove Parts!
Our Family has been selling Wood Stoves and Replacement Parts since the 1970's
Monday-Friday 10am-6pm(EST)
We have many parts available for King Stoves! If you do not see the part you are looking for, call or email us!!!
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Application Chart Continued
We have parts available for most stove models. Call or email us for more information!!!
Monday - Friday 10am-6pm EST
Blower Assembly

One of the Grates available for King Stoves

Blowers & Motors
KB902 Blower Assembly - No Longer Available
K10008 Motor $98.41
K052713 Motor Only for K30425 $149.96
K052714 Motor Only for K30426 $149.96
K36961 Blower and Motor - No Longer Available
4TS3 3 Prong Toggle Switch $10.98
4T120R 120° F Recessed Thermodisc $19.89
K5B941 Firebrick - 9" x 4 1/2" x 1 1/4” $3.89
KG7115 Firebrick - 10" x 4 3/4" x 7/8" $13.84
K018447 Grate #1 - 16 1/4" x 3" $89.36
K018448 Grate #2 - 16 1/4" x 3" $83.27
K05009R Small Round Grate - King O Heat - 9.5" $94.37
K05013R Small Grate Pull - King O Heat - 14 3/4" $98.20
* K05025R Large Grate Pull - King O Heat - 16 3/4" $61.41
K05029R Large Round Grate - King O Heat - 12" $152.48
* K5227 Grate - Wood - 13 1/8" x 12 1/4" $171.76
* K6054 Grate - Wood - 14 1/2" x 12 1/4" $180.04
K6074 Frame Grate $176.51
K6251 Extension Grate - 14 3/4" x 6 3/4" $116.40
* K7716 Grate - Coal - 19 1/4" x 3" - Right $123.24
* K7717 Grate - Coal - 19 1/4" x 3" - Left $123.24
K7714 Cog Grate $10.51
* K28997FA Feed Door Handle $42.62
* K28997AA Ash Door Handle $36.96
K39249 Side Liner 205 $76.99
K39250 Side Liner 205 $76.99
K6307R Front Liner $86.61
K9669R Back Liner $78.90
K0854 Side Brick Retainer $28.73
K0855 Rear Brick Retainer $13.42
K6075 Rear Brick Retainer $39.89
K6076 Brick Retainer $42.76
* K6114 Brick Retainer $42.76
K9099 Rear Brick Retainer $23.59
K016123 Plate Adaptor Kit $22.39
K035177R Flue Collar Gasket $11.94
* K5256 Shaker $27.89
K9006 Thermostat Assembly $80.73
K6562 Ash Pan $58.27
K6237 Welded Ashpan $57.80
King Handle

Call or email for more details!
We have parts available for the following stoves:
Abraham, Acorn, Ajax, Alaska, Allnighter, Allstar MFG, American, American Eagle, American Furnace Company, American Road, American Seating,Americana, Andes, Appalachian, Argand, Armoral, Arrow, Ashley, Aspen, Atlanta, Autocrat, Avalon, B.K.,Bat Cave Stoves, Berkheimer, Berkshire, Better'n Ben, Big Ben, Big Jim's Woodstove, Birmingham Range, BIS, Blackhawk, Blaze King, Blue Ridge, Boss Stove, Boston Stove Company, Brown, Buchanan Welding, Buck Stoves, Buckeye, Buckner Enterprises,Bussy & McLeod Stove Company, C & D Enterprises, Caboose Stove, Cannon Stove, Carolina Stove, Catalytic Damper Corporation, Cawley-Lemay Stoves, Century, Chappee, Chehalem Fireside,Chippewa, Chubby, Citation/Salvo Machinery, Clarion/Wood Bishop, Clayton, Co-operative Foundry Company, Coalbrookdale Stove, Coalmaster, Cole's Heaters, Coleman, Comfort Flame, Comforter,Concord, Consolidated Dutchwest-Vermont Castings,Corinthian, Coronet, Cottage Stove, Country Comfort,Country Flame, Country Stove, Craft Stove, Crane,Crawford, Defiance Company, Derco Inc., Desa, Design Dynamics, Detroit Stove Works, Devault-Fab, Dexter Stoves, Dixie, DK Metals, Dockash, Dominion,Doorwood, Dove, Dover, Drolet, Duomatic-Olsen, Eagle Furnance, Earth Stove, Efel, Elm, Elmira,Enerex, Energy Harvester, Energy King, Energy Marketing Corp., Energy Mate, England Stove Works,Englander, E-Z Insert, Enterprise, Estate Eureka,Euro-Design, Excaliber, Faultless Oak, Favorite, Fawcett, Fern, Fire Chief, Fireplace Xtrordinair, Firepower Add-on Furnace, Firerite, Fisher, Fjord, Florence, FMI Fireplace, Foundry, Fuller & Warren Co., Garrison, Georgetowne Stoves, Gibraltar, Glacier Bay, Glenwood, Globe, Godin, Gold Coin, Golden Oak,Greenhorizons Furnaces, Grimstock, H.B. Smith Coal Boiler, Haas Sohn, Hampton, Hardy Outside Furnace, Harmon, Heart Fireplace, Hawke, Hayes Equipment, Hearth Heat, Hearth Mate, Hearthland, Hearthstone, Heating Energy, Hercules, Heritage, High Valley, Hitzer, Home Comfort, Home Heater, Homer, Homewood Furnace, Horstman Industries, Hotblast, Hoval Boiler, Hutch, International Heater, Jensen, Johnson Energy Systems, Jotul, Jumbo Stove, King, Kingsman, Nightingale, Knox Stove Works, Koser Northland, Kresno, Kuma Stove, Lake Region Stove Works, Lakewood Stove, Lancaster Fabrications, Lange, Lavec, Leaders, Lighthouse, Lilly Furnaces, Lilly Stoves, Locke Stoves, Long MFG, Longwood Furnace, Lopi, Loth, LTD Furnace, Magee,Magestic Range, Martin Industries, Mealmaster, Memco, Modern Maid, Mohawk Industries, Monarch, Morso, Mount Vernon Range, Napoleon, Nashua, National Steelcrafters, Nestor Martin, New Buck,Newmac, Nightingale, Northland, Novel, Novelty, New-Tec, Old Mill, Olix Air-Flow, Oregon Wood Stoves, Orley's, Orono, Orr Painter & Company,Orville Products/Country Comfort, Panda Stoves,Park Oak, Patriot, Penn Coal Stove, Perry Stove Company, Pettite Godin, Phillips & Clarke Company,Pine Baron Stove, Portland Stove Company, Pro-Former-Z, Rathbone Sard & Co., Rebel, Record Foundry, Red Cross, Regency, Reges Metal, Reginald, Rembrandt, Riteway, Round Oak, Royal Scott, RSF Energy, Rupp, Saey, Salvo Machinery,Scan, Scandia, Schooner, Scotia, Scranton Stove Works, Sears, Security, Shenandoah, Sierra, Silent Flame, Smith, Smoke Genie, Sotz, Splendid, Squire Stoves, Stanley Cook Stoves, Steel King Furnance, Stewart, Suburban, Summer Heat, Sunbeam, Sunshine, Superior Stove, Surdiac, Sweet Home,Tarm, Tempwood/Tempcoal, Thermograte, Timber Eze, Timber Ridge, Timberwolf, Tirolia, Torridaire,Trail Blazer, Travis Industries, Treasure, Treemont,Ultraburn, Universal C & S, Upland, US Stove Company, Van Wert MFG, Vansco, Vantage Hearth, Vermont Castings/Consolidated Dutchwest, Vermont Down Drafter, Vermont Iron, Vermont Soapstone, Versagrid Retrofits, Vestal, Viking, Vulcan, W.E.T. Industries, Warm Morning, Warnock Hersey,Waterford Stove, Webco Ind., Webster Stove Company, Welcome, Western Fab, Wier Stove Company, Wonderwood, Wondercoal, Wood Bishop, Wood Chief, Woodchuck, Woodmaster, Woodstock, Woodstocker, XTEC, Yukon...and more!!!
Copyright 2017 Silver Valley Wood Stove Parts